2024-2025 Danone North America Gut Microbiome, Yogurt and Probiotics Fellowship Grant
Danone North America is awarding two graduate students a grant of $25,000 each. The successful candidates should excel in science and have an interest in studying the gut microbiome, probiotics and/or yogurt in human health and wellness (the “Field”). Applicants are encouraged to submit a proposal for a study that explores measures of human health and wellness. Danone strives not to rely on animal testing in its development and research activities, therefore, ONLY research proposals that utilize in vitro and ethical human clinical studies are welcome
The grant is not designed for the investigation of disease treatment or clinical management and should focus on health and wellness, long-term health and longevity, growth and development, or performance. Such topics may include the role that probiotics or yogurt play on brain function, growth and development, digestive health, weight management or heart health; and factors, such as foods or nutrients, that influence the gut microbiome.
Please note that research cannot employ commercial probiotic strains. This includes strains that are isolated from a commercial product, provided by a commercial culture supplier (such as DuPont, Chr. Hansens or Lallemand) or are subject of or protected by patent. Publicly available, non-commercial strains are acceptable.
Danone is committed to the highest scientific and ethical standards in its innovation and scientific research activities to obtain scientific knowledge on the impact of food, nutrition and health and to ensure effective and safe medical and health solutions.
Danone strives not to rely on animal testing in its development and research activities, therefore, ONLY research proposals that utilize in vitro and ethical human clinical studies are welcome.
The award may be applied towards tuition or research-related projects or as otherwise allocated at Danone’s sole discretion. It will be payable directly to the student’s educational institution to support their continued education on related topics during 2024-2025 academic year.
Each candidate must meet the following requirements:
Be an incoming, current and full-time enrolled graduate student, at least 18 years of age, studying in the Field (as defined above) during the 2024-2025 academic year at an accredited U.S. institution.
Be in good standing in the college or university, as well as major program of study. Confirmation letter from department chair, dean or institution's graduate studies, registrar or admissions office required.
Be a current U.S. citizen (proof of citizenship is required) or permanent U.S. resident (proof of residency is required).
Upload completed application online within the allotted acceptance period January 14 to March 21, 2025. Includes:
Written essays (questions provided below)
Official transcript from current institution or immediate past university if an incoming graduate student
CV or resume
One letter of recommendation received from faculty member or advisor by March 10, 2025. Please have your faculty member or advisor submit letter of recommendation to cdeecken@pollock-pr.com.
Utilization of grant funds must begin in the Fall Semester, 2025.
Student applications will be judged by an external committee based on:
Strength of project proposal
Relevance and feasibility of the project objectives, methodology and outcome measures
Evidence of ability and resources to successfully complete proposed project
Value to the Field (as defined above)
Academic performance
Letter of recommendation
Grant Recipients To-Date:
2023 Winners:
Evan Chrisler of the University of Wisconsin-Madison plans on using the grant to examine how timing of ingestion—and the type of probiotic—affect metabolism and immunity. Arushana Maknojia of Baylor College of Medicine plans to use the grant to identify ways that gut microbes promote red blood cell production, and how antibiotic use can suppress this process.
2022 Winners:
Madison Adamthwaite of Harvard University is using the grant to identify the molecular mechanisms by which microbiome-derived metabolites alter health with a particular focus on gallic acid, a metabolite shown to protect from cardiovascular events and other health concerns. Nam Than of The University of Texas at Austin is using the grant to better understand how Next-Generation Probiotics (NGP) play a role in maintaining gut homeostasis, and perhaps even disease prevention.
2021 Winners:
Elena Kozlova of University of California, Riverside used the grant to study the effects of maternal administration of probiotics on offspring's gut-brain axis and the relationship to socioemotional development in an environmental toxicant model. Yannis Ntekas of Cornell University used the grant to leverage single-cell RNA sequencing technologies to effectively profile the gut microbiome with cell-phenotype resolution.
2020 Winners:
Catherine Shelton of Vanderbilt University used the grant to support her research into the role of early-life microbiota metabolites in host health to gain a deeper mechanistic understanding of how the early-life microbiota protects against obesity. Alice Solomon of the University of Arizona used the grant to investigate the mechanisms of probiotic function in the gut microbiome as a mediator of cardiovascular disease and other related complications that arise during menopause.
2019 Winners:
-Erica Kosmerl of The Ohio State University used her grant to research and examine the impact of dairy intake and bifidobacteria on the gut microbiome during infancy. Elizabeth Morrison of Indiana University used her grant to research and assess the role of probiotic, B. Infantis on infant gut microbiome.
2018 Winners:
Megan Kennedy of the Medical Scientist Training Program at University of Chicago used her grant to take a closer look at whether or not there is a particular time in a person's 24-hour cycle when probiotics are best able to remain in the gut community. Nick Jensen of the University of California Davis doctoral program studied how related types of beneficial bacteria breakdown different carbohydrates in the foods we eat, specifically milk oligosaccharides.
2017 Winners:
Caroline Kelsey of the University of Virginia used her grant funds to examine how gut bacteria and food intake influence brain development. Yeonwoo Lebovitz of Virginia Tech used the grant to assess how a mother's gut microbiome can affect and protect their baby's neurological development.
2016 Winners:
Erin Davis of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was granted funds for her study of probiotic yogurt consumption during breastfeeding on the immune and microbial composition of the milk, as well as on maternal and infant gut microbiota. Haley Chatelaine of The Ohio State University earned the grant to advance the field by using cutting-edge analyses to identify the chemical signature of probiotic yogurt.
2015 Winner:
Micah Eimerbrink, Experimental Psychology doctoral candidate at Texas Christian University focusing on Behavioral Neuroscience. He used the funds to collaborate with Dr. Jonathan Oliver's Kinesiology lab to investigate the use of probiotics to reduce the psychological and physiological indicators of stress in military personnel.
2014 Winner:
Amanda Ford, University of Florida, used the grant to investigate the effects of protein fermentation on the human microbiota and on different measures of digestive health both with and without probiotic consumption.
2013 Winner:
Kurt Selle, North Carolina State University Functional Genomics doctoral candidate within the Food Science, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Science Department. He used the funds to develop technology for studying the adaptation of fermentative microbes to milk, publishing his findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and presenting the results at the 11th International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria as an invited speaker. Since receiving the award, to date, Selle has presented research at four international conferences and published eight research articles.
2012 Winner:
Nicholas Bokulich, doctoral candidate with the Dr. David Mills Research Group at University of California, Davis. He applied the funds towards researching the use of foods as a delivery vector for beneficial bacteria in the human diet. This work led to several publications investigating the microbiome, food production and human health.
For any questions regarding the Fellowship, please contact Christina Deecken @ cdeecken@pollock-pr.com
Please fill in each of the following fields:
Legal name of applicant:
Mailing address:
City, state and zip:
Mobile Number:
Other Telephone Number:
Current status (incoming graduate student or current year):
Incoming Graduate StudentCurrent Graduate Student
Academic institution for graduate studies:
Research/academic advisor:
Email for advisor:
Major/declared focus of study:
Current academic standing (GPA, Honors, etc.):
Current awards, scholarships, and fellowships (if applicable):
How did you hear about the Danone Fellowship Grant program?
Academic Advisor Signature:
Applicant Signature:
Essay Questions:
Please describe your project or research. Maximum 150 words.
Please clearly state the purpose of your study, methodology and outcome measures. If applicable, specify the type of bacteria (genus, species and strain) you intend to study. Maximum 300 words.
Describe the support and resources specific to your grant/field/project you have at your institution, including clinical or laboratory tools, and key advisors or faculty. Maximum 150 words.
Please give us a breakdown of how you will utilize the funds Please note: Indirect costs are not addressed or delineated in the Danone Fellowship Grant. Students to discuss this with their graduate studies advisor or office of research.
Describe your experience or the progress you have made in the Field (as defined above). Maximum 150 words.
How will your project advance the study of the gut microbiome, probiotics and/or yogurt on human health and wellness? Maximum 150 words.
Please tell us how the Grant will help you achieve your professional goals in the Field (as defined above). Maximum 150 words.
In order for your application to be considered complete, please upload the following documents:
Answers to essay questions
Official letter from a Dean or institution's registrar or admissions office confirming current enrollment
Current (or immediate past) academic transcripts
Proof of United States citizenship or permanent residency
One letter of recommendation (by March 10, 2025)
If you have any problems uploading application due to file size, please email materials directly to cdeecken@pollock-pr.com.
Application Review and Selection:
After you submit your application, you will receive an email acknowledgement from Pollock Communications on behalf of Danone.
Pollock Communications will collect and review all applications upon receipt to ensure they are complete. Incomplete applications will be disqualified. Viable applications will be carefully reviewed by a panel of experts and researchers. Selection of the grant recipient will be determined on Danone’s complete and sole discretion. Danone reserves the right to not share details behind the selection process and to not inform applicants that were not chosen.
The grant recipient will be informed by April 22, 2025.
Scholarship Allocation:
Funds provided by Danone North America, Public Benefit Corporation, are restricted for use either for tuition, or research related projects or as otherwise allocated at Danone's sole discretion. Danone will work directly with each of the grant recipients’ schools to credit $25,000 for 2024.
No payment will be made until evidence is received that the grant recipients were officially registered at the respective institution for the 2024-2025 academic year. Payment will be given directly to the school by Danone on behalf of grant recipient in one installment of $25,000. The installment will be paid during Spring Semester 2025. Proof of full-time school attendance and a letter of good standing will be required in order for Danone to transfer the funds.
If the student chooses not to or, is for any reason, unable to follow-through with their intended academic pursuits in 2025, Danone reserves the right to award the scholarship to another applicant. Recipients of this scholarship are required to provide progress reports each semester on all academic work and achievements for one (1) entire academic year from the time funds are transferred. Specifically, any research projects conducted by the recipient in which scholarship funds are utilized, shall be sent to Danone for review. Should any research result in published content, the recipient must inform Danone at least 60 calendar days before publication. Danone strives not to rely on animal testing in its development and research activities, therefore, ONLY research proposals that utilize in vitro and ethical human clinical studies are welcome. Upon review, Danone reserves the right to be listed as a contributor/supporter to the student researcher.
Public Disclosure and Public Relations Activities:
Upon acceptance of the scholarship, the recipient gives the right to Danone North America, including any affiliates or subsidiaries, and its Public Relations agency (Pollock Communications), to use the recipient’s name, image, likeliness (in photographs and video) and detailed academic information on Danone’s online properties and social media channels, in press materials (including, but not limited to: press release, mat release, website, social media outlets), and in any and all media now or hereafter known throughout the world in perpetuity, without compensation, notification or permission, except where prohibited by law. Additionally, the grant recipient agrees to participate in media interviews regarding the fellowship and their academic pursuits.
By my signature below, I acknowledge, understand, accept and agree to comply with the information and rules contained in this document.
Official letter from a Dean or institutions registrar or admissions office confirming current enrollment
o If you have any problems uploading application due to file size, please email materials directly to cdeecken@pollock-pr.com.